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Paris and northern France

handbook for travellers
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There are 31 different lines of omnibuses in Paris, all of
which belong to one company. They are distinguished by the
letters of the alphabet, the colour of their lanterns and of the
vehicles themselves. In the annexed list the starting-point and


Page 22
destination of each are furnished with references to the coloured
plan at the end of the book.



Page 23
From  to  Omnibus  Lantern. 
A. Palais-Royal
(white 7)
Passy and Auteuil
(white 1)
yellow  red 
B. Chemin de fer de
Strasbourg (red 9)
Chaillot (r. 2)  yellow  red and green 
C. Louvre (w. 7)  Courbevoie (r. 3)  yellow  red 
D. Ternes (r. 2)  Boul. Filles du Calvaire
(w. 9)
yellow  red 
E. Bastille (w. 10)  Madeleine (r. 5)  yellow  red 
F. Bastille (w. 10)  Monceaux (r. 6)  dark brown  red 
G. Jardin des Plantes
(w. 10)
Batignolles (r. 6)  brown  green 
H. Odéon (w. 8)  Avenue de Clichy
(r. 6)
yellow  red 
I. Place Maubert
(w. 8)
Montmartre (r. 8)  green  red 
J. Barrière de Pigale
(r. 6)
Glacière (bl. 7)  yellow  red 
K. Collége de France
(w. 8)
La Chapelle (r. 10)  yellow  green and red 
L. Saint-Sulpice
(w. 6)
Villette (r. 10)  yellow  red 
M. Belleville (r. 11)  Ternes (r. 2)  yellow  green and red 
N. Belleville (r. 11)  Place des Victoires
(w. 7)
green  red 
O. Ménilmontant
(r. 11)
Chaussée du Maine
(bl. 6)
green  red and green 
P. Barrière de Fontainebleau
(bl. 9)
Charonne (w. 13)  yellow  red and green 
Q. Palais-Royal
(w. 7)
Place du Trône
(w. 14)
yellow  red 
R. Barr. Charenton
(bl. 14)
Faub. St. Honoré
(r. 5)
green  blue and red 
S. Louvre (w. 7)  Bercy (bl. 13)  yellow  red and white 
T. Place Cadet (r. 8)  Gare d'Ivry (bl. 11)  yellow  yellow 
U. Pointe St. Eustache
(w. 7)
Maison Blanche (Barrière
de Fontainebleau)
(bl. 9)
yellow  green and red 
V. Chemin de fer du
Nord (r. 10)
Bar. du Maine (bl. 6)  brown  green and red 
X. Place du Havre
(r. 5)
Vaugirard (bl. 4)  yellow  green and red 
Y. Porte St. Martin
(r. 9)
Grenelle (w. 2)  brown  red and white 
Z. Bastille (w. 10)  Grenelle (w. 2)  brown  green 
AB. Place de la Bourse
(r. 7)
Passy (w. 1)  green  green 
AC. Cours la Reine
(w. 3)
Petite Villette (r. 10)  green  red and green 
AD. Château d'Eau (r.9)  Pont de l'Alma (w. 1)  green  green 
AE. Arts et Métiers
(r. 7)
Vincennes (w. 14)  green  green 
AF. Parc de Monceaux
(r. 5)
Panthéon (bl. 8)  green  red 
AG. Chemin de fer de
l'Est (r. 10)
Montrouge (bl 3)  brown  green 

It must, however, be observed that Parisians themselves find
it difficult to form a thorough acquaintance with the above
labyrinth of routes. The stranger who makes a stay in Paris of
some duration and desires to avail himself of these conveyances,
should purchase an omnibus-map of Paris (1 fr.), or a Clef des
(15 c.), which are to be had at the omnibus offices.

The fares for all the above routes are the same, 30 c. inside
and 15 c. outside (impériale). If the omnibus does not go in the
direct route to the passenger's destination, he may apply to the
conductor for a "correspondance" with the line which will convey
him thither. He will then receive a "bulletin" or receipt for
his fare and a "cachet" or check-ticket and will be set down at
the point where the two lines cross. Here he proceeds to the
omnibus-bureau and receives a new cachet which, without any
additional payment, entitles him to a seat in the first omnibus
going in the desired direction. Outside passengers are not entitled
to correspondance, unless they pay the full fare (30 c.).
On Sundays and holidays tickets are not issued on some lines.

When the omnibuses are full, the conductor exhibits a ticket
announcing that his vehicle is "complet".

The principal omnibus-bureau is in the Place du Palais Royal,
situated in the very heart of the city. Other offices are at the
following places: Boulevard de la Madeleine 27, des Italiens 8,
du Temple, des Filles du Calvaire, de la Bastille 2, Porte
St. Martin etc. — On the Left Bank of the Seine: Place St. Sulpice
6, 8 and 10, at the Odéon, Pont Neuf, Place du Palais de
Justice etc.

Horse Railway (Chemin de Fer Américain), Rue du Louvre 8
(opposite the colonnade), from 9 a. m. every hour (in summer
oftener) viâ

Passy, Auteuil, Bois de Boulogne, Le Point du Jour and
Boulogne to the Pont de St. Cloud, and viâ

Auteuil, Billaucourt, Sèvres and Viroflay to Versailles.