University of Virginia Library


Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh, draw nigh!
The drink I offer, Christ's own words supply.
Ho! every one that thirsts not, thirst, I cry;
Why will ye still neglect to drink,—and die?
See, here are living wells; why will ye scorn?
Ye unborn, why refuse ye to be born?
I call you to repent, oh hear my call!
Doth my voice reach you, through the stiff cere-clothes
That do enshroud and wrap you up withal?
Doth my shout come, a whisper in your ears,
As sounds might, travell'd from far distant spheres,
Into the ravell'd windings of a cave?
O then turn down those cerements of the grave
From round about your ears;


Let my voice be as thunder; let it roll
Into each wakening soul;
Come forth, O Lazarus! when I say so
Deem me a way wherethrough Christ's mandates flow,
And let each buried one attend, and know
The stone is roll'd away; Christ calls to him below.
Come forth, O Lazarus! when I say so,
Let where it lists His Holy Spirit blow,
Until each Lazarus comes forth, and know
Christ only waits to say—Loose him, and let him go!
His voice delights to set all prisoners free;
His blood, His truth, makes all sin white as wool;
Oh hear! Oh wash you, cleanse you, and so be
Christ's own, Christ's beautiful!