University of Virginia Library




“Praised be the fathomless universe,
For life and joy...and for love, sweet love.”
Walt Whitman.

“A secret vision in our soul will hallow life.”


An Inscription.

Green Fire of Joy, Green Fire of Life,
Be with you thro' the Stress and Strife—
Be with you thro' the Shadow and Shine,
The immortal Ichor, the immortal Wine.
Drink deep of the immortal Wine,
It gives the laughter to the Strife,
Drink deep, and thro' the Shadow and Shine
Rejoice in the Green Fire of Life.


Pulse of my Heart.

Are these your eyes, Ian,
That look into mine?
Is this smile, this laugh,
Heart of me, dear,
O pulse of my heart,
This is our child, our child—
And...we apart!
Wrought of thy life, Ian,
Wrought in my womb,
Never to feel thy kiss!—
Ah, bitter doom!
Live, live, thou laughing boy,
We meet again!
Here do we part, we twain:
I to my death-sweet pain,
Thou to thy span of joy.
Hush, hush: within thine eyes
His eyes I see.
Sure, death is Paradise
If so my soul can be,
Ian, with thee!


My Birdeen.

Oh bonnie birdeen,
Sweet bird of my heart—
Tell me, O tell me,
How shall we part?
He calls me, he cries,
Who is father to thee:
O birdeen, his eyes
In these blue eyes I see.
Thou art wrought of our joy,
Of our joy that was slain:
My birdeen, my boy,
My passion, my pain.