University of Virginia Library


Of the paynes of hell

Turne we now agayn sumwhat for to telle
Of the orrible paynes that ay are in helle.
Helle is a depe pit stynkand with all myrknes,
Ther the dampned ay sal be halden in gret distres.
All that is in the warld of filth and of stynk
At day of dome sal doun thedir synk,
For to eke thair stynkand payne al be hit gret,
For ther sal be of hell-fire wondir huge hete.
That brennand fire withouten ende so gretly hit glowes
That al the watur in the warld may not sloken his lowes.
Ther is als gret cold on another side;
Ther sudanly for more payne into hit sal thei glide.
Thai sal noȝt haue no roume theron beside another,
Bot all be cast on a hepe as of turf a fother.
Ilkon sal stynk on other and double his payne,
And ilkon ay to greue other sall be ful fayne.
Ther sal be gnasting of teth for gretnes of payne,
And euer in the hert a sorowe souerayne,
That thai haue lost for a litil lykyng of synne
The ioye of the siȝt of God, that al godenes is inne.
And this worme of conscience sal bit thaim euermore
And ouer all paynes ay be to thaim a sore.
No likyng sal thai haue, shortly for to say,
Bot al thing agayn thair wil that thaim gref may,
And thus sal thai be punist ay-lastandly
Withouten hope of mercy or any remedy.