University of Virginia Library



Young men, there is one honor yet,
One I 'm sure each one can get;
An honor that is tried and true,
One that will ever stand by you.
When entering on the field of life,
Each graduate should have a wife,
One who will guide his feet aright,
And ever be his heart's delight.
'Tis true, quite true, you 're leaving college,
With minds well stored with useful knowledge;
But oh, all this will prove in vain,
Except some lady's heart you gain.
'Tis true you stood upon the stage,
Examples of the modern age;
But life is vain if you are wise
If there's no star in all your skies.
But if each one will still live single,
I 'm sure your pockets cannot jingle;
I care not who may be your choice,
If you 'll obey this warning voice.
Go forth, therefore, in all the land,
And reap success on every hand;
Go make yourselves a shining name,
Then you 'll deserve eternal fame.