University of Virginia Library



“Kum up here an' git salvashun,
'Tis fur eb'ry trib' an' nashun;
Kum all yo' pizin sinnuz,
Salvashun now is free;
Jes' step up to de fountin,
While de water is a-runnin';
Ef yo' wanter go to glory,
Jes' foller arter me.”
“Now it ain't no use er talkin',
Fur de sperit is er walkin';
'Do' your sins is lik er mountin,
Jes' ez big ez big kin be,
Jes' a drop er dis huh water,
Ef you tak' it ez yo' orter,
Will make y'all brazin' sinnuz
Almos' jes' ez good ez me.”


The sermon soon was ended,
And the brethren said 'twas splendid,
And the sisters felt so happy,
That they scarcely touched the ground.
Then the deacon, old but sprightly,
Began to step up lightly,
To gather in the pennies,
As he passed the basket 'round.
“I dejecks,” said Brother Peter,
A new converted “creeter,”
“Fur de pastor said salvashun,
Like de water huh wuz free.”
“By dem words I is abidin',
But yo' mus' pay fur de hydin,”
Said the pastor, “an' yo' understan's,
De hydin huh is me.”