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“These are my jewels,” said the Roman dame,
And laid her hand upon her children's tresses;
Jewels! each mother's heart accepts the name,—
How priceless held her beaming eye expresses.
The jewels of the queenly dame of Rome
Are not confined to ancient musty story,
But gems as bright in many a quiet home
Shed o'er its happiness a radiant glory.
There 's music in the infant's noisy glee,
To ears attuned the songs of home to hear;
And childish laughter, jubilant and free,
Makes glad the household's buoyant atmosphere.
King David, called a man of God's own heart,—
And may his pious memory live forever!—
Pronounced him blest whose lot it was and part
To have of children a full, bounteous quiver.
Amen! cry all true souls with ardent zest;
And who that knows a thing will ever doubt them?
For, though but “troubles” they are oft confessed,
Still home is very drear and sad without them.