University of Virginia Library


  • 1. What did the king promise?

  • 2. Did he send a new charter at once?

  • 3. What cause for alarm now demanded attention?

  • 4. Give an account of the Indian depredations.

  • 5. How did Governor Berkeley treat the appeal of the people for protection?

  • 6. Of what did they suspect him?

  • 7. Finally, what action did the people take?

  • 8. Who was Nathaniel Bacon, and why was he chosen leader?

  • 9. What fact attested the esteem in which he was held?

  • 10. Give the names of two other men chosen.

  • 11. What request did Bacon make of Governor Berkeley?

  • 12. Was it granted?

  • 13. By whose authority did Bacon set out, and what news reached him?

  • 14. In the meantime what action had the governor taken?

  • 15. By what was he prevented from carrying out his plan?

  • 16. What did he do now?

  • 17. What was the sentiment of the new House of Burgesses?

  • 18. Tell of Bacon's arrest and apology

  • 19. Give an account of his flight from Jamestown and return.

  • 20. What did he demand from the governor?

  • 21. On what subjects did Bacon address the Burgesses, and with what

  • 22. Why did Berkeley dissolve the House of Burgesses, and repair to

  • 23. What did he again declare Bacon?

  • 24. What did the people inform Berkeley?

  • 25. On hearing the governor's proclamation, what did Bacon do?

  • 26. Where had Berkeley gone?

  • 27. What proclamation did Bacon make?

  • 28. Give an account of the convention at Middle Plantation.

  • 29. To what did Bacon now turn his attention?

  • 30. Tell of Berkeley's return to Jamestown.

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  • 31. Give an account of the burning of Jamestown.

  • 32. What is left to mark the site of Virginia's ancient capital?

  • 33. Tell of Bacon's death.

  • 34. What happened when the people heard of his death?

  • 35. How did Berkeley try to pacify them?

  • 36. In what way did he seek revenge?

  • 37. Finally what did the House of Burgesses have to do?

  • 38. What did Charles II. exclaim on hearing of Berkeley's acts?

  • 39. Give an account of his recall and death.