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English Roses

by F. Harald Williams [i.e. F. W. O. Ward]

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Anythin' be good enuff fur we!
Us 'as orl the grumblin and the guilt,
'Ouses—aye, an' sarmons jerry-built,
Though the papers calls the Masses free;
'An the Member (ourn it wor wot sed it)
Yarned about we workers as a credit
Ter the country and the Queen—God bless her!—
An' cum 'umbly 'at in 'and
Axing wot wud us command,
An' 'e'd do it, 'e'd be our Redresser;
Neow 'e niver seem ter know we,
'E's ashamed ter “Jim” an' “Joe” we.


Anythin' be good enuff fur we!
Parson ivery Sunday o'er our 'eads,
Won we'd better snuggle in our beds,
Torks o' marcies az us cannot see;
Rottles out iz larnin' and iz texties,
An' ere us can wonder wot the next is
Or az got a glimmer of a noshun
In a canter cuts it shart,
Smellin' then the glass of “part”—
Emptied loike a dustbin of devoshun;
Aw, us got but sorry lickins,
While the Classes az the pickins.
Anythin' be good enuff fur we!
Mouldy bread and provubs an' sour ale
An' inquiries an' the lyin' tale,
While each on us 'arder works then three;
Squoire, 'e aint wot oncet wor orl the Quollity
Sheddin' coppers outer downright jollity,
Az a oak iz acurns in September;
Neow 'e gallups by we glum
Az if off ter Kingdom Cum,
An' our beer and baccy doant remember;
Yet ar loikes 'im, wi a itchin'
Sart o' kindness fur iz kitchin.
Anythin' be good enuff fur we!
Wurrds an' worter, an' the skim o' things,
Shoddy clo'es an' orl the leadin' strings
Mint ter chain we ter our gallus-tree.
Libertize! Whor be them? An' the Charters
Ain't more use nor my ole woman's garters,
Unter sich az us! Aw, gev ar drippin',
Drops o' cumfut an' a coät,
Better nor this bloomin' voät
An' no chancet of anny tippin.
'Odge a King indeed! Ar's willin',
Fur the “crown” ter teck a shillin'.