University of Virginia Library


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Dr. Davis.

Dr. Flippin, Chief of Staff.

Dr. Voshell.

Dr. Daniel.

Dr. Hedges.

Dr. Goodwin.

Dr. Compton.

Dr. Royster.

Dr. Nelson.

Dr. Rea.

Dr. Neff.

Dr. Mulholland.

Dr. Page.

Dr. Smith.

Dr. Brown.

Dr. Bigger.

Dr. McCutchan.

Dr. Waddell.

Dr. Wiatt.

Dr. Wood.

Commodious and well-equipped quarters for the treatment of ambulant cases
are provided in the north pavilion of the hospital, and the service is conducted under
the direct personal supervision of members of the teaching staff of the Medical
Department. Clinics are held three times a week for general medical, surgical
and genito-urinary diseases, which are attended by students of the third
year; and twice weekly for the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, attended
by students of the fourth year.

The character of the equipment of this department and its location in the hospital
make possible the use of most advanced methods in the diagnosis and treatment
of cases, and the systematic and thorough examination of each case is thus
emphasized at the very outset of the student's clinical experience.

An out-patient obstetrical service, and provision for attendance in the home
of certain cases of illness by the student, under the supervision of an instructor,
are a part of the organization of this department.