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The Impostor

A Tragedy

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Enter Hercides.
Zaphna, beware!—I must be sudden—
If thou shouldst meet Sopheian, touch him not—
He is thy father!


Thy father, Zaphna
Thine and Palmyra's father! The impostor
Did know it, when he urged thee to the parricide—
Ye are the twain, of whom, when in your infancy,
He robb'd your gracious sire, the prince of Mecca;
Himself the prince of devils! Hie thee hence—
Adieu—we must not be observ'd together.
[Exit Hercides.

How the earth shakes!—what sudden night comes on!
Where am I?—on the brink!—the flames beneath
Shew where to plunge—Catch me, ye circling fiends!
Wrap me with fiery scorpions! torture, tear
The hell-taught parricide!—
Is he among you? find him, search him out—
No Prophet here!—Come hell—come thou along—
And we will sweep him into such perdition,
That our's shall be Heaven, from whence to look
On his deep hell beneath!

[Exit Zaphna.