University of Virginia Library

scen: 4a

Comastes 2 seirgeants.

you are tryde varletts you say, well skilde att Mace &
Writt and y
e yeoman is for or turne too.


j Seirg:

O The best shoulder blade in Naples, he hath
shaken of y
t frailtye of nature, the weakness which tender-harted people call remorse: and if ther was
any sheepish blood in him, either y
e Majors wine hath actuated it or y
e first sea-captaine he ventured on hath longe since lett it out.

2 Seirg:
But who ist Sr vpon whome we must execute?

A seigniour.


2 Seirg:
Wer he ye grand seigniour I hope my bearde
Is as dreadfull as his

For yr instructions Gentn: strike downe st vincents
Lane towardes St Clara's wayte at ye broade
street ende, and you shall meet one Leadeinge
A negro-Mayde, Zeise him: if need be prtende
An action of Detinew att Signeour Figmentoes
suite, and thers yr warrante—
He gives them both monye

We intende noe reall imprisonmente when you
Are possest of him free y
e Negro, and charge her home, and after halfe an howers fright sett him
att large too Ile secure you hee'le ne're inquire
After you

j Seirge:
We must have A fee for that extraordinarye
For thers A certaine disposition in vs of
Dominereinge over Gent: wc h we count halfe our pay
if you will have yt done you must draw againe

Most willingly—He gives them more monye

Be expeditious, doubt not yr rewardes
But harke you be you sure you do it most gently:
And vse him not vnworthyly be sure.
Exit Comast:

2 Seirg:
For yr sake sr, brother do you know ye meanīge of this?


j Seirge:

Tis noe matter tis o
r Justice to do what we are payde for.
