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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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Tobias .iii.


Tobias .iii.


Sing this as the forme of perfect prayer beginnyng, The .vi. of Mathewe.

O Lorde god thou art righteous,
Thy iudgements all are true:
Thy iust wayes & thy faithfulnes
Doth mercy styll ensue.
Be myndfull nowe O lorde on me,
And plage not for my sinne.
Nor haue no mynde of my misdedes,
Ne of myne elders kynne.
For we to thy commaundementes
Weare not obedient:
Wherfore among all nacions,
Thou hast vs captiue sent.
And scattred haste vs them among,
That dayly vs deryde:
For dredfull death, & most vyle shame,
Doth euer vs betyde.
In whiche thou hast declard O lorde,
Thy iudgementes great and hye:
We did not as thou didste commaunde,
Nor walkt innocently.
And therfore now O liuing lorde
My prayer shall be styll,
That thou commaunde & deale with me
According to thy wyll.


Receaue O lorde my sprite in peace,
To thee I doe it gyue:
For it is more expedient
For me do die then lyue.