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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[My passion (Loue) thou dost disdaine]

My passion (Loue) thou dost disdaine,
But God keepe thee from such a paine.
I am of Loue disdained,
And Fortunes wheele doth broose me,
I care not now to loose me,
And hope not to be gained.
So care to care is chained
By Fortune and by Loue againe:
But God keepe thee from such a paine.


In playntes Loue entertained
My hart (such sport to choose me)
And fortune thus vndooes me,
To make me thinke vnfained,
That Time a change maintained,
But Both do still my greefes ordaine,
But God keepe thee from such a paine.