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All pensive walked the charcoalman
His charcoal cart beside,
And plaintive was the tone in which
His merchandise he cried;
And mournful was the look he cast
Anon upon the ground,
And careless was the gaze he turned
Upon the people round.
A gloom was resting on his brow,
It trouble dire bespoke;
Adding a new and darker hue
To clouds of charcoal smoke.
While all the world around was bright,
And other hearts were glad,
Methought it was he walked alone
Of all the people sad.
“Why sigh'st thou now, sad charcoalman?
Why falls that bitter tear?
Is there no balm to ease thy grief?
No soothing power near?”


Then calmly spoke the charcoalman,
“I have n't any woes,
And that 'ere tear was sweat you saw
A running down my nose;
“And I was thinking, very deep,
That I was dry as sin,
And wondering how I'd raise a drink
And had n't got the tin.”