University of Virginia Library

Chamber of Commerce.

PROBABLY the most important
factor in the recent marked
growth of this locality is
the live and energetic Chamber
of Commerce. The objects gained
by the organization during the years
of its existence, have been of great
value to the welfare of the community.
While the Chamber offers
reasonable inducements to desirable
concerns to locate here, it repels
schemes needing propping on all sides.
The business men, manufacturers and
professional men comprising the members
of this organization know the
value of self help and invite competition.
To the man of firm mettle,
mind and principle, possessing push
and industry, this locality offers unusual
inducements and to set them
forth is the aim of the Chamber. The
objects of this organization are the
advancement of the individual and
general interest of the community and
the encouragement of commercial enterprises.
While the Chamber of Commerce
has not accomplished all that
some in their enthusiasm hoped, it
has done all and more than the more
conservative among its members expected.
The organization has brought
in close touch the varied interest of
the city. The following officers have
been chosen for the ensuing year: W.
T. Martin, president; Judge George
W. Morris, first vice-president; C. W.
Hulfish, second vice-president; Walker
Anderson, secretary; Adolph Russow,
treasurer. The directors are: A. P.
Bibb, A. V. Conway, J. A. Gilmore,
J. E. Irvine, W. J. Keller, P. Leterman,
J. M. Robertson, A. N. Adams,
J. E. Wood and R. A. Watson.