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1803.  John Campbell  Died 1825. 
Robert Craig, Sr.  Resigned 1824. 
Richard White  Died 1826. 
Robert Campbell  Removed from county 1825. 
James Bradley  Removed from county 1824. 
Gerrard T. Conn  Died about 1823. 
William King  Died in 1808. 
Francis Preston  Died May, 1835; president of Board
James White  Died October, 1838; president of Board
Claiborne Watkins  Died 1804. 
Andrew Russell  Treasurer 1825-1841. 
William Tate  Resigned 1822. 
Henry Dixon  Resigned. 
Frederick Hamilton  Died 1808. 
David Campbell  Resigned; secretary of Board 1803-1837. 
1804.  James King  Removed 1805. 
1805.  Edward Campbell  Died February, 1833. 
1807.  John Preston  Resigned. 
Stephen Bovell  Removed from county 1836. 
1807.  Earl B. Clapp  Died September, 1854; treasurer 18231825. 
John McClellan  Removed from county 1819. 
Francis Smith  Resigned 1843. 
James Harper  Died 1815. 
William Trigg  Died 1813. 
Jonathan Smith  Removed from county 1810. 
Thomas McChesney  Died 1836. 
Michael Deckard  Removed from county 1811. 
William Snodgrass  Resigned 1822. 
William Y. Conn  Died 1837. 
James Cummings  Died August, 1840. 
Robert Craig, Jr.  Removed from county 1817. 
Connally Findlay  Died 1817. 
1822.  Peter Johnston  Died 1831; president of Board 18261831. 
Benjamin Estill  Resigned 1837. 
Wm. C. Preston  Removed from county 1824. 
Robert E. Cummings  Removed from county 1834. 
Joseph C. Trigg  Died September, 1831. 
Richard White, Jr.  Died 1827. 
William Byars  Resigned. 
James Taylor  Lived Smyth county. 
John M. Preston  Resigned; president of Board 18381849. 
John Gibson  Resigned 1826. 
1826.  John N. Humes  Died July 1871; president of Board
Peter J. Branch  Secretary 1837-1861; treasurer 18411861. 
John H. Fulton  Died January, 1836. 
James King  Resigned. 
Chas. C. Johnston  Died 1832. 
James W. Preston  Removed from county 1838. 
Peter C. Johnston  Removed to Smyth county. 
Edward Latham  Resigned 1843. 
James L. White  Died December, 1838. 
1827.  William Ewing  Removed from county. 
1832.  Daniel Trigg  Died February, 1853. 
Robert R. Preston  Resigned 1837. 
Samuel Logan  Died July, 1855. 
Jacob Lynch  Died March, 1862. 
1840.  Connally F. Trigg  Removed from county 1856. 
William Y. C. White  Resigned 1871. 
1841.  John W. C. Watson  Removed from county. 
Jeremiah Bronough  Removed from county 1843. 
1843.  Wyndham Robertson. 
1843.  Chas. C. Gibson  Died June, 1844. 
1844.  Thomas L. Preston  Removed to Smyth county. 
1849.  James D. McCabe  Removed from county. 
1852.  James K. Gibson  Died March, 1879. 
Beverley R. Johnston  Resigned 1862. 
John A. Campbell  Died 1886. 
1854.  Walter Preston  Died November, 1867. 
1856.  George W. Hopkins  Died March, 1861. 
Edward M. Campbell  Died June, 1878; president of Board
James McChain  Died March, 1869. 
Charles S. Bekem  Died August, 1875. 
1859.  Alexander R. Preston  Died. 
George V. Litchfield  Died February 5, 1875. 
Samuel V. Fulkerson  Died July, 1862. 
Arthur C. Cummings  Resigned. 
1862.  John G. Kreger  Secretary and treasurer 1861-189—. 
Thomas G. McConnell. 
Newton K. White. 
1864.  Charles J. Cummings. 
1869.  David G. Thomas. 
James Fields. 
1871.  James L. White. 
Samuel N. Honaker  Died January 22, 1903. 
1875.  Robert A. Preston. 
Daniel Trigg  President of Board 1878-1904. 
James C. Greenway. 
1878.  John F. Sutton. 
1880.  Thomas W. White. 
1886.  George E. Penn  Secretary 189— to 1904. 
G. V. Litchfield, Jr. 
Frank B. Hutton. 
F. S. Robertson. 
Wm. G. G. Lowry. 
Henley Fugate.