University of Virginia Library


The Lady Laura took him, in her kind and queenly way,
From out that cruel iron world, to the tender human day.
There all the folded bloom of life like a banner rich unfurled,
And waved luxuriant in the air of a glad and glorious world.


She fed his mind, she led his mind, through vistas strange and sweet;
Ah, blessèd boon to toil and lay the fruitage at her feet!
She took his widowed Mother; oh, the full and flowing hand!
To rest her weary bones from toil, and live upon her land.
Their barren world of poverty with flowers she girdled round,
Till life that toiled with bleeding feet could walk on softer ground.
My Lady comes; my Lady goes; his being doth rejoice,
A breaking sea of rapture; every wave uplifts a voice.
Like dungeoned foe that seeth the King's Daughter walking nigh,
He blesseth the revealing dark for the beauty thronèd high,
And in the beating of his heart, and flashing of his eye,
A new life climbeth,—waving glory,—as she passeth by.
My Lady comes; my Lady goes; he can see her day by day,
And bless his eyes with her beauty, and with blessings strew her way.
My Lady comes; my Lady goes; she passes from his sight,
As daylight dies into the skies, and at her gate stands Night.