University of Virginia Library

Of the seuen giftes of the haligast

The first gift, dred of God, puttes fro man pride mast
And makes him wele-manerd, pouer in hert and tast,
And that are thus meke in hert and pouer gastly,
Crist blesses thaim alway, and heuen is thaires treuly.
The second gift is pite, that puttes out enuy
And makes man to worschip God, his fader gastly,
And Goddes lawe and his neghbour for Goddes awen sake;
And thes gode dedes gode, benigne, and myld wil him make;
Thai that has vertuously that ilk myldnes
Ay sal haue lyuyng in mekil blissednes.
The third gift is cunnyng, that puttes away wrath
And mas man to loue godenes and with wikkednes to wlath,
And haue sorow for his synne and taryyng of blis,
For this is man blissed, and heuen sal be his.
This gift of cunnyng may noȝt ful longe be
Withouten gastly ioye and gret charite.
The ferth gift is gastly strenght, that puttes away slouth,
And to eschape all perils mas man to haue trouth;
Hit mas man to suffre wel and long to bide riȝt,
And riȝt be done to God and man ȝerne with al his myȝt.


And whoso has this ȝernyng and hungres riȝtwisnes,
Thai sal be fulfilled of hit and haue gret blissednes.
That fift gift is counsail, that fordos couetise,
And in hegh thing and hard mas man of gode auyse;
Hit mas man ay gode and benigne in alkyn thinge,
And rewles hym wele in warkes of mercy-doyng.
And all that warkes of mercy dos deuoutely
Are blissed of Ihesu Crist and ay sal haue mercy.
The sext gift is vnderstanding, that glotery fordos,
And stires to certayn trouth that him gastly behose,
And makes him of all synne clene in hert to be.
Suche men are blissid of Crist, for thai sal God se.
The seuent gift is wysdam, that fordos lecherie,
And confortes man in ioye of God and pes swetly,
And mas man to kepe and make pees with gret besines.
Siche are called Goddes childer and sal haue blissednes.
In suffring oght for riȝt standes the aghtend blis,
And who as euer suffres so, the rewme of heuen is his.