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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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A Song.

[That sweetest harme I doe not blame]

That sweetest harme I doe not blame,
First caused by thy fairest eies,
But greeue, bicause too late I came,
To know my fault, and to be wise.
I neuer knew a worser kinde of life,
To liue in feare, from boldnesse still to cease:
Nor woorse then this, to liue in such a strife,
Whether of both, to speake, or holde my peace?
And so the harme I doe not blame,
Caused by thee, or thy faire eies:
But that to see how late I came,
To knowe my fault, and to be wise.
I euer more did feare, that I should knowe
Some secret things, and doubtfull in their kinde,
Bicause the surest things doe euer goe
Most contrarie vnto my wish and minde.
And yet by knowing of the same,
There is no hurt, But it denies
My remedie, Since late I came,
To knowe my fault, and to be wise.