University of Virginia Library

Catalogue of Books printed by Johnson.

1665. Communion of Churches; or, the Divine Management of
Gospel Churches by the Ordinance of Councils, constituted in Order,
according to the Scriptures. As also the Way of bringing all
Christian Parishes to be particular reforming Congregational
Churches: humbly proposed as a Way which hath so muche light
from the Scriptures of Truth, as that it may be lawfully submitted
unto by all; and may by the Blessing of the Lord be a means of
uniteing those two Holy and eminent Parties, the Presbyterians and
the Congregationalists—As also to prepare for the hoped-for Resurrection
of the Churches; and to propose a Way to bring all Christian
Nations unto an Unity of the Faith and Order of the Gospel.
Written by John Eliot, Teacher of Roxbury in N. E. Crown 8vo.
38 pages. The following is the Preface to the work.

"Although, a few copies of this small script are printed, yet it is
not published, only committed privately to some godly and able
hands to be viewed, corrected, amended, or rejected, as it shall be
found to hold weight in the sanctuary ballance, or not. And it is
the humble request of the Author, that whatever objections, rectifications
or emendations may occurre, they may be conveyed unto
him; who desireth nothing may be accepted in the Churches, but


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what is according to the will and minde of God, and tendeth to
holiness, peace, and promotion of the holy kingdome of Jesus Christ.
The procuring of half so many copies written and corrected, would
be more difficult and chargeable than the printing of these few. I
beg the prayers as well as the pains of the precious Servants of the
Lord, that I may never have the least finger in doing any thing that
may be derogatory to the holiness and honour of Jesus Christ and
his churches. And to this I subscribe myself, one of the least of
the labourers in the Lord's vineyard. John Eliot."

1668. The Rise, Spring and Foundation of the Anabaptists: or
the Re-Baptised of our Times. 58 pages. Quarto.

1668. God's Terrible Voice in the City of London, wherein you
have the Narration of the late dreadful Judgment of Plague and
Fire; the former in the year 1665 and the latter in the year 1666.
32 pages. Quarto.

1668. The Righteous Man's Evidence of Heaven. By Timothy
Rogers. Small Quarto.

1671. Cambridge Platform of Church Discipline. Second Edition.
40 pages. Quarto.

1672. "Indian Logick Primer."

1673. Wakeman's Young Man's Legacy to the Rising Generation.
A Sermon, preached on the Death of John Tappin, of Boston.
46 pages. Quarto.

1673. Mather's [Increase] Woe to Drunkards. Two Sermons.
34 pages. Quarto. [Printed by Johnson] "and sold by Edmund
Ranger, Book Binder, in Boston."

1674. Exhortation unto Reformation. An Election Sermon.
By Samuel Torrey, of Weymouth. 50 pages. Quarto.

1674. Cry of Sodom enquired into, upon occasion of the Arraignment
and Condemnation of Benjamin Goad, for his prodigious
Villany. By S. D. Quarto. 30 pages.

Bartholomew Green, son of Samuel Green, by his
second wife, was in business a few years with his father at
Cambridge. In the year 1690 he removed to Boston, and
set up his press. The same year his printing house and
materials were destroyed by fire; and he, in consequence
of his loss, returned to Cambridge, and was again connected
with his father. The few books which I have seen
that were printed by his father and him in company, are


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taken notice of with his father's. He resumed business
in Boston in 1692. [See Printers in Boston.]