University of Virginia Library


Thrice happy he, whose life restores
The pleasures pure of early times;
That ne'er, with anxious heart, explores
The rugged heights ambition climbs;


Exempt from all the din, the toil, the care,
That cities for their busy sons prepare;
Fatigue, beneath the name of pleasure,
Contentious law, usurious treasure,
A tedious mean attendance on the great,
And emulation vain of all their pomp and state.


Not his sound and balmy sleep
The trumpet's martial warning breaks;
Nor the loud billows of the angry deep,
When thro' the straining cords the tempest shrieks;
But the morning's choral lay,
Chanted wild from every spray.
Swift at the summons flies the wilder'd dream,
And up he springs alert, to meet the orient beam.