University of Virginia Library



[O voyager of life! the stormy wave]

O voyager of life! the stormy wave
Hath o'er thee past with wild and furious sway,
Threatening to whelm thy frail bark on its way,
In the dark horrors of the watery grave!
Yet steadfast at the helm the tempest brave,
Till from the east thou hail the dawning ray,
And the rich promise of a calmer day,
For He who rules the storm hath pow'r to save!
His voice shall smooth the billows of the deep,
And bid the fair winds soft and prosperous blow,
And ocean heave his raging tide no more,
Whilst blissful gales o'er the still waters sweep,
And the bright skies upon thy bark bestow
The haven of her rest, the long sought heavenly shore!