University of Virginia Library


Quhen I haive done considder,
This warldis vanitie,
So brukill and sa slidder,
Sa full of miserie;
Then I remember me,
That heir thair is no rest;
Thairfoir appeirantlie,
To be mirrie is best.
Let us be blyth and glaid,
My freindis all I pray;
To be pensive and sad,
Na thing it help us may;


Thairfoir put quyt away
All heviness of thocht;
Thocht we murne nicht and day,
It will availl us nocht.
It will not be our sorrow,
That will stoip Godis hand,
To strik baith evin and morrow,
Baith on the sie and land;
Sen nane may it gainestand,
Let us all be content,
To underly the wand,
Of Godis punischment.
Quhat God pleasis to do,
Accept it thankfullie;
Quhat paine he puttis us to,
Receive it pacientlie;
And give that we wald be
Releiveit of our paine,
For sin ask God mercie,
Offend Him nocht againe.
Give we will mak murning,
Sould be for our offence,
And not that God dois bring
On us for violence;
For ane dyveris pretence
For some he will puneis,


To proive thair patience,
And som for thair great miss.
Sen first the warld began,
Thair hes bein trubill ay,
For punischment of men,
And sall quhill domisday;
And sen we may not stay,
Quhat God pleis do us till,
Quhat he will on us lay,
Receive it with guid will.
For God will lay som scurge,
Quhill that the warld tak end,
Fra sin the warld to purge,
Will ay som plaigis send;
Bot quha will lyfe amend,
And preis to sin no moir;
Then God will him defend,
Fra everlasting cair.
Yet plainelie I concluide,
Into all wardlienes,
Nathing for man sa guide,
As lesom mirrines;
For thair is na riches,
Sa lang his lyfe can lenthe,
Conserve him fra seiknes,
And keip him in his strenthe.


Thairfoir with trew intent,
Let us at God ask grace,
Our sines to repent,
Quhill we haive tyme and space;
Syne bring us to that place,
Quhair joy is evermoir,
And sie God face to face,
In his eternall gloir.