University of Virginia Library




This letter was written to the Secretary of the Reformed Church of America.

Howard University, Washington, D. C., June 4, 1872.

Dr. See:

Dear Friend: I should have written you before, but being very busy in my studies, I have been putting it off until I should have time.

We are preparing for examination, and my idle moments are all passed.

I am doing very well in my studies, and have found time, in connection with them, to attend about half of the Theological lectures. During this year I have composed about thirty poems. I am going to have a book published this summer, which I hope will meet a favorable consideration from the reading public.

Doctor, I love the great Reformed,
And pause within her arms;
I dare not scorn her day when small,
Nor trifle with her charms.
How long she stood within God's sight,
Pure and undefiled?
How long has it been her delight
To save each little child?
Oh! when did she His banner raise,
And cast it to the breeze?
How long will she be tossed upon
This world's tempestuous seas.


Her millions she has landed safe,
Upon fair Canaan's shore;
There 're millions yet within her arms,
And room for millions more.
Now let me praise the great Reformed,
And magnify her name,
For all the kindness she has shown,
Since from the South I came.
She did not turn away from me
But bade me go in peace,
And kindly asked me to accept
A place among the least.
Dear Saviour, bless the great Reformed,
And keep her in thy care,
And when she trembles in the storm,
Then scatter doubt and fear!