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Graduate Assistant and Veteran Payment Plan

Graduate assistants (teaching and research assistants) and veterans are eligible for a special payment arrangement each semester. Eligibility for the program is subject to verification of status by and approval of the appropriate Dean's office in each of the schools.

Eligible graduate assistants and veterans may sign an agreement with the University permitting payment of tuition, fees and room rent charges on the following schedule:

Fall semester: 1/3 of charges for the semester are due on or before Wednesday of the first full week of October, onethird are due on or before Wednesday of the first full week of November, and one-third (final) payment must be made by Wednesday of the first full week of December.

Spring semester: 1/3 of the semester charges are due on or before Wednesday of the first full week of February, one- third are due on or before Wednesday of the first full week of March, and one-third (final) payment must be made by Wednesday of the first full week of April.

The penalty for failing to make a payment by the due date is $10.00 per installment that is overdue. Late payments can result in other actions for past due balances, including a hold on the student's official academic transcript. Actions for late or non-payment of amounts owed the University are outlined in the Graduate and Undergraduate Record.