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Anatomy 1.Twenty-one hours weekly during the first term and fifteen
hours weekly during the second term.
This course begins with a systematic study
of the bones, on the completion of which a part is assigned to each student for
dissection and study. On the completion of this course each student has dissected
a lateral half of the body. The student obtains his knowledge at first hand and
by his own personal efforts. The work in gross anatomy is completed by Anatomy
3 of the second year. Dr. Bean, Dr. Speidel, Mr. Cardwell and Mr.

Anatomy 2.Six hours weekly during the third term. This course consists
in a laboratory study of the anatomy of the central nervous system carried
out in considerable detail. The gross anatomy of the spinal cord and brain
is first considered, on the completion of which sections of the more important
regions are studied carefully with the aid of the microscope. Fresh brains and
series of sections of the cord and brain are thoroughly used. A reconstruction
of the central nervous system showing the more important pathways is prepared
by each student. Dr. Bean, Dr. Speidel, Mr. Cardwell and Mr. Brand.

Histology.Three lectures or recitations and six hours of laboratory
work weekly during the first and second terms.
This course aims to acquaint
the student with the microscopic structure of tissues and organs. Cytogenesis
and histogenesis are briefly considered in the case of many tissues studied. The
relation of histology to physiology and pathology is constantly kept in view.
The student is also given opportunity to acquaint himself with the principles and
practice of histological technique.

A record of seventy per cent. in this course is required for admission to
Physiology, and of eighty per cent. for admission to Pathology. Dr. Jordan,
and Dr. Nicholson.

Embryology.Nine hours weekly during the third term. The laboratory


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work (six hours weekly) with sections and dissections of mammalian embryos,
is supplemented by lectures, recitations, and the study of models. The course
aims to give the student a knowledge of developmental processes, in the light of
which he may the better understand the more abstruse normal conditions of adult
anatomy, as well as many anomalies and variations, neoplasms and malformations.
Dr. Jordan and Dr. Nicholson.

Biochemistry.Lectures and recitations, three hours weekly during the first
and second terms, six hours weekly during the third term; laboratory work, six
hours weekly during the second term; twelve hours weekly during the third term.

The chemical structure and reactions of carbohydrates, lipins, proteins, and other
compounds occurring in the body. Blood, milk, and bile. The chemical physiology
of digestion, secretion, excretion, internal secretion, intermediary metabolism,
and nutrition. The laboratory work includes the study of carbohydrates,
fats, fatty acids, soaps, proteins, purine compounds, etc.; blood, milk, and bile;
the digestive enzymes and the digestion of foods; and extensive qualitative and
quantitative work on urine. A grade of seventy per cent. on this course is required
for admission to Physiology. Dr. Hough, Mr. Strang and assistants.