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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Certaine Ballatis of the Scripture.
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Certaine Ballatis of the Scripture.

Till Christ, quhome I am haldin for to lufe
I gif my thirlit hart in gouernance.
How suld I lufe, and fra his treuth remufe,


Full wo wer me, that drerie disseuerance,
Is na remeid, saif only esperance:
For weill, for wo for boist, or ȝit for schoir,
Quhair I am set, I sall lufe euermoir.
And sen I must depart, on neid I sall
Be till him trew, with hart, and that I hecht,
And sen that I becummin am his thrall,
With body him serue, with mynde & all my micht
He is the rute of my remembrance richt,
The verray crop quhome of I comfort tak,
Quhy suld I not, do seruice for his saik.
Quhome suld I serue, bot him that did me saue
Quhome suld I dout, bot him that dantis deid
Quhome suld I lufe, bot him attour the laif,
Of all my wo he is the haill remeid.
How suld I fle, and can not find na feid,
Quhome suld I lufe, bot him that hes my hart,
How suld we twin that na man can depart.
Thus vmbeset I am on euerie syde,
And quhat to do I can not weill deuise:
My flesche biddis fle, my spreit biddis me byde
Quhen cair cummis, then comfort on me cryis,
Hope sayis get vp, then langour on me lyis,
My panis biddis my wofull hart repent,
Bot neuer mair thairto will I consent.
Depart him fra, my hart will neuer consent,
It biddis me byde, and I sall neuer fle:
For be I takin, slaine, or ȝit schent,
For sic ane King it is na schame to die.


Gif thair be grace into this eird for me,
It is committit from the heuin abufe,
Till Christ quhome I am haldin for to lufe.