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Anus speakis to Pamphilus.

Anus speakis to Pamphilus.

Labour and hope, we may persaue indeid,
That mony men oft times it dois desaue,
Now Pamphile, the mater cums not speid,
Quhilk thou and I, baith wischis fain to haue:
Ye war ouer slaw, my counsall for to craue,
The time is tint, till make remeid to you,
Becaus the craft and cunning quhilk I haue,
Can profite na thing to support you now,
As maters schaws, and plainly dois declair,
Fair Galathis marage is aprotchen neir,
I muse quhat clething can be makand thair,
Hame in hir hous, agains that day to weir:
Ane hundreth causis euident and cleir,
Makis me suspect this mater to be sure,
Yit nocht the les, thocht all thir things apeir,
Hir Parents keipis it secreit and obscure.
Marke weill my wourdis, se thou thame not foryet,
And way thame wisely in thy mind I mene,
Seik neuer that, the quhilk thou may not get,
Bot seik thou that, the quhilk thou may obtene.