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Anus speakis to Galathea.

Anus speakis to Galathea.

To haue your frends consent, it dois behoue,
Before ye enter into that estait,
Bot in the mene time, furious flams of lufe,
Burns vp his breist, and haulds him at debait:
Ingenious lufe, steirs vp ane new consait,
Into the hartis of young adolescentis,
Sic as delites to studie in that rait,
May lessouns leir, concerning sic intentis.
This steirs vp mindis, gret gifts to dele and skair,
Bot greid and auarice, it dois plane displeis,
It fallowis mirth and blithnes euer mair,
Bot be the contrar, it from sadnes fleis:
Na man can tell, pretend him as he pleis,
How mutch the vse of Venvs dois thame gud,
Ecept thou condiscend, to thir decreis,
Thou sall be reput rusticall and rud.