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Non permanebit spiritus meus in homine [illeg.] caro est: erunt enim dies illius centum viginti anni.

My Ghoste he sayeth, shall nat euer dwell
In man that is made of flesshe and fell
His dayes shall be to lyue in here
An hundred, and also twentye yere
But so great age, may no man bere
For death wyll hym, in shorter tyme dere
For the complexyon of euery man
Is nowe more febler, than it was than
Therfore mannes lyfe, myght shorter be
For nowe it is feblest, all for to se
For the longer, that a man shall lyfe
To more sorowe, he shall be dryfe
And lesse thynke, that this lyfe is swete
As in the psalter, wytnesseth the Prophete.