University of Virginia Library

—But shall he unobserved steal away?
Or Israel not afford an hand to lay

Isai. 57. 1.

An Evil-boding Death to heart? no Son
Of All the Prophets when Elijah's gone
Look after him?


Forbid this, Heaven! Showr
On a bereaved Clod of Earth a pow'r
To yield a spire of grass

allusion to the poetical fancy of Ajax.

whereon may grow

The Name of COLLINS, help a verse to show
His Vertues, as that Flock acknowledged
Their Doe

Dorcas, Act. 9.39.

when to the Spicy Mountains fled.

Assist mee, thou who hast engag'd the Just
A Memory,

Psa. 112.6.

to whom the precious dust

Of Saints Dissolv'd remains united!—
I SIGH the Fate for which our broached eyes
Spend floods of brine; at which a dire surprise
Of a soul-chilling horrour doth invade
The Soul not stone before; at which are made
In serious minds as many wounds as were
To Caesar

whom the Roman conspirators [followed by several unreadable words].

given. Reader, shake to hear:

The DEATH of COLLINS tis. He dead without
A Paper winding sheet to lay him out!
A Shame. O that Egyptian Odours, and
Embalmers too

Gen. 50.2.

were not at my command!

I want them. But Hyperboles withdraw,
Be gone Licentious Poets. What I saw
On this occasion let some countrey Rymes
That call a Spade a Spade, tell after-Times.
DEPRIV'D of Charrets & of Horsmen too,

all. to 2. King. 2.12.

I on the wings of Contemplation flew;
Into the howling desart thus I went,
The cut-off garden

so some render the Garden of Nuts, Cant. 6.11. in a phrase very accommodable to America.

where our David sent

His sheep to feed and fold, from which he drave
The Rav'nous Tigre-brood, in which he gave
His herds a Rest at noon.

Cant. 1.7.

On Jordans Banks

I meant to sit with Thoughts on this and Thanks.
But there found I an Elect Lady,

some (tho' groundlesly though) suppose a Church intended by that name in 2. Joh. 1.


Grov'ling in Ashes, with dishev'led hair,
Smiting her breast, black'd with a mourning dress,
Resembling mother Sion in distress;

all. to the figure thereof in B. K.'s ingenious poem.

Or like a Rachel in a Bethl'em plight,

Mat. 2.18.

But with a Beauty glittering too, that might
The Features show that Judah's preaching King
Much did once in his machless Raptures sing;

viz. the Canticles.

I found her. There amaz'd, into a Tree

all. to such a metamorphosis celebrated in Ovid.

Almost transformed with passion: Sympathie


Produced this Enquiry, Who I wonder,
Seems Sorrow's Center, Sorrow's Essence yonder?
Lo, I no sooner had approached near,
Then from above this voice did thunder; Here
Pitty, the Church of Middletown bespeaks
Set in the midst of swoons and sobs and shrieks.
With Bowells full of it I hastned to
The Wet place, asking Why she grieved so;
And had this Answer.