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Office of the Comet—publication morning. Sedley, Epigram, Conundrum, Acrostic, &c.
Thus far, on sweet revenge and profit bent,
Have we marched on without impediment,
And poured our streams of poison round (sans pity),
Into the very bowels of the city.
And here 's a letter, which friend Stanley sent,
With lines of comfort and encouragement,
Such as will help to animate our cause,
And gild our triumph with the town's applause.
Our comet still shall sweep along its path,
To some a fearful visitant of wrath,
To others, light—then let it still on high
Brandish its fiery tresses in the sky,
And with them scourge the bad, revolting “stars,”
That have consented to the loud huzzas,
Which greet The New York Mirror every week,
Whose worth we envy, and whose fall we seek.
When beggars die, there are no Comets seen;
The “Mushroom” fell, and all went on serene;
But ere the mightiest Julius fell, in Rome,
Stars dropped down blood, portentous of his doom!
So, ere the aspiring Mirror tumble down,
Our sweeping “Comet” startles all the town.

Your words have fire, my lord, and make those glow,
Who trembled at the number of our foe.


Why, were they doubled we should conquer still;
Thrice is he armed who holds a ready quill;
While he who scribbles with a patent pen
Can ne'er supply, with copy, half his men.
Then, go ahead, my lads; to hope still cling,
And pluck your quills from the proud eagle's wing.

[Exeunt with a flourish.