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A Beare.

Beare and forbeare, I now speake of the Beare,
And therefore (Reader) give, or lend an Eare.

First therefore, in much briefenesse I am rendring
Where, and how Beares have breeding and engendring,
Some are Ossean, some are Callidonian,
Some Æremanthian Beares, and some Æmonian,
Some rugged Russians, some Sun-burnt Numidians,
And lastly, the white swimming Beares, (Amphibians)
Some do affirme a Beare to be a creature,
Whelp'd like a lump, with neither shape or feature,
Untill the Damme doth licke it into fashion,
And makes the lump a Beare in transformation.
As Taylors with their precious wisdomes Tallants,
Do licke, and Metamorphose Gulls to Gallantt.
Whereby a fashion oft is shap'd (by chance)
Out of an ill-bread lumpe of ignorance.
But for the Beare he keepes his shape most constant,
The Taylor (and his creatures) change each instant,
The Beare keepes still, the fashion he brought hither,
The gallant Gull's inconstant, like Weather.


A Beare's a temperate Beast, most free from riot,
A prudent Schoolmaster, of sparing dyet,
Hee'le live foure moneths from every kind of meat,
By sucking of his left foot, like a Teat.
Which is an abstinence that doth require,
More then the fast of a Carthusisian Fryer,
No Capuchin, or immur'd Anchorite,
Did never (so much) curbe his Appetite.
And as Beares suffer hunger, I am sure,
No beast created, doth more cold endure:
When fridged Boreas blustring blasts do blow,
Mid'st Rocks, of hoary Ice, and hills of Snow,
The worst of Winters sharp extremity,
The hardy Beare, abides most constantly.
And in hot Africke, and the Libian Coast,
Where Phæbus flames doth seeme the world to Roast:
Where Negro Moores, are dride and blackly dide,
That heat (excessive) there the Beare doth hide.
So that with hunger, heat, and pinching cold,
The Beares extremities are manifold.
Being growne unto Maturity and strength,
And having hither past the seas, at length,
At Beare-Garden, (a sweet Rotuntious Colledge)
Hee's taught the Rudiments of Art and knowledge.
There doth he learne to dance, and (gravely grumbling)
To fight & to be Active (bravely tumbling)
To practise wards, and postures, to and fro,
To guard himselfe, and to offend his foe;


Upon his hind feet, Tipto stiffe to stand,
And cuffe a Dog off with his foot-like hand;
And afterwards (for recreations sake)
Practise to run the Ring about the stake.
Whilst showts, and Mastives mouthes do fill the sky
That sure Acteon ne're had such a cry.
Thus Beares do please the hearing and the sight,
And sure their sent will any man invite:
For whosoer'e spends most, shall finde this favour,
That by the Beares and Dogs, hee's made a favour.
And as a Common-wealth, (oft by Ill-willers)
Is vex'd by prowling Knaves, and Caterpillars,
So is a Beare (which is a quiet Beast)
By Curres and Mungrels, oftentimes opprest.
And tyde to what he doth hee's bound to see,
The best and worst of all their cruelty.
And for mens monies, what shift ere they make for't,
What ere is laid or paid, the Beare's at stake for't.
Though he be hardly drawne to't 'gainst his will,
Hee's bound to see and beare, and bide much ill;
Besides the baiting of a Beare is rare,
Unlike the baiting of a Horse or Mare:
The Horse hath Provender, and Hey for Bait,
And doth in peace and quiet eate his meat;
When as the Beare, is Tugg'd, Lugg'd, Bit & Beaten
And eates no Bait, but likely to be Eaten.
A Beare is like a Watchman by his coat,
He weares a Rugge-Gowne alwayes (if you note,)


And (like a Watchman) oft a Beare will be
As mannerly, and watch as well as he.
And as a grumbling Officer may weare
A Collor and a Chaine, so doth a Beare.
'Tis writ by Authors (Philosophicall)
How that a Beare is usefull, Physicall,
For Agues, and hot Feavers, take his haire,
His Greace (or Lard) will aking Limbes repaire:
His Marrow strengthens, (if you do annoint)
Shrunk Sinewes, Nerves, or an enfeebled joint,
The oyle boyl'd from his feet will operate
The Gowtes tormenting much to mitigate,
And when man's in consumption, like to pine,
The Bears pith's good, that grows amidst his Chine.
A Beares skin Tann'd it'h haire, is for a bed
Better then Blanquet, Rugg, or Coverled.
A Beares Teeth, Painters in high price do hold,
To make them Instruments to gild with gold,
And for his Furre it is such ex'lent stuffe,
That Many a Lady weares it in a Muffe;
Dry a Beares Liver, and to Powder beat it,
And let a Maid of forty five yeares eat it;
Although a thousand false Knaves would deceive her
Yet she shall keep her Maidenhead for ever.
Thus having shew'd of Beares their sundry breeding
Their formes, their admirable sparing feeding:
Their patience, courage, temperance, fortitude,
And many vertues that have them endu'd,


For feare I should mens patience much offend,
Ile give one short touch more and make an end.
Then for the further honour of the Beares,
They (with the stars) are mounted in their Sphears:
There Vrsa Major in the firmament,
Is stellifide, a glorious ornament,
And there, the little Beare, (a starre more finer)
Is call'd Artophilax, or Vrsa Minor,
And who so reads the second part of Ovid,
There shall they finde (what here is writ) approved.
Now once againe, pray lend your eyes and eares,
Ile write of baiting of the Bulls and Beares.
It is a Game so ancient, that I wot
Records can scarce shew when we usde it not.
Except now, in these sad infectious times,
That heav'ns just hand doth plague us for our crimes,
The Game is by authority supprest;
And Beares, and Bulls, and Dogs, have too much rest,
Through want of baiting growne to such a straine,
(Hard to be tam'd, or brought in frame againe)
Almost all mad for want of exercise,
Filling, the Aire with roaring and with cries,
That those who neer the Bear-Garden are dwelling
Do heare such bellowing, bawling, yawling, yelling,
As if Hell were broake loose, or (truth to speake)
The Devils at foot ball were on Barley-breake.
There's three couragious Bulls, as ever plaid,
Twenty good Beares, as er'e to stake was taid.


And seventy Mastives of such Breed and Races,
That from fierce Lions will not turne their faces;
A male and female Ape (kinde Jacke and Jugge,
Who with sweet complement do kisse and hugge,
And lastly there is Jacke an Apes his Horse,
A Beast of fiery fortitude and force.
As for the Game I boldly dare relate,
'Tis not for Boyes, or fooles effeminate,
For whoso'ere comes thither, most and least,
May see and learne some courage from a Beast:
And 'tis not only a base Rabble Crew,
That thither comes, It may be proved true,
That to the Beare-Garden comes now and than,
Some Gamesters worth ten thousand pounds a man.
For rough behaviour that's no great disgrace,
There's more hors-play us'd at each deere hors-race,
More heads, or legs, or necks, are broake each day,
At Cards, Dice, Tables, Bowles, or foot-ball-play.
The Game hath been maintain'd, and will, we hope
Be so againe (now favour gives it scope)
For Kings, for Princes, for Ambassadors,
Both for our Countrymen, and forreigners.
Which hath been held, a Royalty and Game,
And (though ecclips'd) will be againe the same.
But now (to make an end) must be explain'd,
How it the name of Paris-Garden gain'd:
The name of it was from a Royall Boy,
(Brave Illions fire-brand, wracke and sacke of Troy)


Paris (King Priams sonne) a sucking child,
Was throwne away into the woods so wilde,
There that young Prince was cast to lfve or perish,
And there a Bear with sucke, the babe did cherish;
And as a rare memoriall of the same,
From Paris, Paris-Garden hath the name.
Those that will not beleeve it, let them go
To France, in Paris, they may find it so,
Or if not there, let them looke narrowly,
In Mathew Paris famous History.
And that we have obtain'd againe the Game,
Our Paris-Garden Flag proclaimes the same.
Our Beares, and Bulls, and Dogs in former state,
The streets of London do perambulate,
And honest sport, and lawfull merriment,
Shall thrice a weeke be shew'd, to give content.