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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery

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A second permanent innovation adopted by the Benedictine
monasteries was the inclusion of an inner parlor in
the east range, directly adjacent to the chapter house. Although
this inner parlor is referred to by name in several
Benedictine and Cluniac customs, its function is not stated.[104]
An auditorium is first mentioned in the Farfa description
of 1043.[105] Later in the eleventh century it is mentioned in
the tours of the claustral prior at Cluny and Hirsau.
Bernard's account of the claustral prior's tour at Cluny in
his Ordo Cluniacensis refers to a parlatorium in the same
context that the otherwise similar tour in the Consuetudines
of Hirsau refers to the auditorium.[106] This designates the
inner parlor in the east range as a place for talking and

Twelfth-century customs outside the Benedictine order
further explain the exact use of the auditorium. Cistercian
customs describe the auditorium as the place where monastic
officials could converse privately with one or two monks,
where the prior made work assignments, and handed out
tools for the day's work after the chapter meeting, and
where the master of the novices could instruct new novices.[107]
The Liber Ordinis S. Victoris Parisiensis further specifies
that in this order of canons the auditorium or locutorium,
as it is called in this text, was particularly used for briefly
talking about any business that could neither be signified
(probably referring to sign language) nor put off until the
time of the locutio, but the Liber emphasizes that no one
could talk there without permission from a high member of
the order.[108] It explicitly states that no stranger may be led
into this "regular locutorium" and also mentions rules for
the "other locutorium," thus distinguishing between the
locutorium or auditorium in the east range and the auditorium
in the west range, which, as on the Plan of St. Gall, served
as reception room for visitors. The auditorium in the east
range of the twelfth-century cloister is thus defined as a
place where claustral silence could be broken to discuss
necessary business. This had probably been its role since
its beginning.


Page 346



The church of the priory was finished by 1110, some 20 years after it was founded. The cloister, built around 1150, consisted in the east of an
apsed chapter house, day stairs to the upper level of a two-storied building, the undercroft of which supported the dormitory floor by a central
row of columns. This entire range, like the corresponding ranges at Bardney and Thetford
(figs. 516-517), projected far beyond the south range
and terminated in the monks' latrine. The south range contained a small warming room, refectory, and kitchen. The west range consisted of a
building of two stories accommodating cellar and parlor below, and the prior's lodging and other rooms above.


Page 347

Although silence was at all times considered a basic
monastic virtue it had not always been as severely enforced
as it was by the Cluniacs, the later autonomous Benedictines,
and the Cistercians. St. Benedict, in dealing with this
problem, referred to it as taciturnitas rather than silentium.[109]
He designated three regular periods of absolute silence; but
for the rest of the time only excessive loquacity was forbidden.
The same relative freedom of speech, except at
certain regulated periods, is evident in the monastic customs
of the eighth and ninth centuries. The rule of ordinary
silence is in fact so relaxed that a consuetudinary from
Corbie of around 826 permits conversation during the midday
rest in the summer, provided that it does not bother
those who sit and read in bed; should there be any need for
sustained talk the monks must simply go outside and conduct
their business there. In the same text they are instructed
not to yell from a distance because of the noise.[110] Under
relaxed conditions like these there was no need for a special
room in which the ordinary claustral silence could be
broken. No such area, consequently, is set aside on the Plan
of St. Gall.

Joseph Semmler has pointed out that it was not until the
tenth century that the monks began to practice strict silence
during the days of the great religious festivals. This trend
toward increased enforcement of silence is true of the reformed
German monasteries, the English monasteries that
adopted the reform of Dunstan, and it is also true in particular
for Cluny.[111]

In the eleventh century men like Peter Damian (9881072),
inspired by the same ideals of reform as Cluny,
wrote impassioned letters against unnecessary talking and
forcefully recommended greater silence.[112] At Cluny, as the
number and length of the breaks in silence were progressively
reduced, as absolute silence was required even in the
workshops, a sign language was developed to maintain the
necessary communication.[113] The auditorium in the east
range, first mentioned in the Farfa description, provided an
area for talking aloud and may well owe its existence to the
pressure of increasing claustral silence. Like the sign language
it might also have originated at Cluny. Just as the
sign language was adopted by nearly all the later medieval
monasteries, the auditorium in the east range became an
integral part of all later Benedictine and Cistercian planning.[114]


Salmon, 1947, 33, has found that its use in never defined, and,
consequently, concludes that its use cannot be stated.


Consuetudines Farfenses, ed. Albers, I, 1900, 137.


Ordo Cluniacensis, per Bernardum, Pars, I, Caput III, "De Priore
Claustrali," ed. Herrgott, 1726, 143. Constitutiones Hirsaugienses seu
Book II, chap. 20 "De Claustrali priore, et ejus adjutore,"
1066, in Migne, Patr. lat., CL, 1880, col. 1066.


Guignard, 1878, 174, 177, 233, 106, cites the pertinent chapters, 72,
75, 113, 15, of the Consuetudines.


The pertinent passages are cited under locutorium in Du Cange,
"libro Ordinis S. Victoris Parisiensis MS. cap. 19: Quod si aliquid eis
specialiter dicendum fuerit, quod nec illic significari possit, nec usque ad
tempus Locutionis differri, poterit Armarius usque in Locutorium regulare
educere eos et illic breviter quod dicendum est, intimare. Adde cap. 27.
Ibidem pag. 34: In Locutorium nullus eat, nisi vocatus ab Abbate vel Priore.
Et cap. 38: Nullus extraneus vel Canonicus in Locutorium regulare ad
loquendum ducatur. Fratres qui licentiam loquendi ad invicem quaerunt,
in nullo loco nisi in regulari Locutorio loqui possunt. In caeteris Locutoriis
nullus vocet aliquem de claustralibus, nisi solummodo Abbas et Prior.
" I
have not been able to trace a published text of this manuscript. Various
copies, dating from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are in the
Bibliothèque Ste.-Geneviève, Bibliothèque Nationale, Bibliothèque de
l'Arsenal in Paris (see Bonnard, n.d., xxviii.).


Benedicti regula, chaps. 6, 42, 49, ed. Hanslik, 1960, 38-39, 104-6,
119-21; McCann, 1952, 34-37, 100-1, 114-15; Steidle, 1952, 121-23,
240-41, 251-54.


Consuetudines Corbeienses, ed. Semmler, Corp. cons. mon. I, 1963,
417 and translation by Charles W. Jones, III, 123.


Semmler, 1960, 337.


Salmon, 1947, 35.




Ibid. Perpetual and absolute silence is stressed in documents cited
from many autonomous Benedictine abbeys. Consequently, the auditorium
was as much a necessity in these abbeys as at Cluny. It is only
because the sign language seems to have originated at Cluny that I
suggest that this might also be the source for the auditorium. Salmon
mentions that the sign language spread from Cluny and was adopted by
nearly all the monasteries of the Middle Ages; so may have been the case
with the auditorium.