University of Virginia Library

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Page 225


ANNA SEELEY TUTTLE, B. A.,  Assistant Librarian. 
JOHN WALTER WAYLAND, Ph. D.,  Hertz Librarian. 

The General Library is open daily from 9 a. m. to 1:30 p. m., and
from 3 to 5 p. m., and 7:30 to 10 p. m.

The collection contains more than sixty thousand volumes, and books
are available for use by the officers and students and some others under
the following regulations:

1. Books of the Reference Collection are not to be removed from the
Library, but may be freely consulted at the tables. All bound magazines
are classed as reference books.

Books in current use in connection with the courses of instruction
will be temporarily placed on the shelves of the Reference Collection, and
will then be subject to the above rule.

Works of special value or specially liable to injury on account of their
rarity, illustrations, etc., are not to be removed from the Library, except
by permission.

New periodicals cannot be borrowed within two weeks after they are
placed on the shelves.

2. The Librarian is required to make an entry of every book removed
from the Library with the time when the same is to be returned.

3. Students may borrow books upon the following terms:

No student can have more than three volumes at the same time.

Each book must be returned by the borrower within two weeks from
the date of its withdrawal. The loan may be renewed unless another person
entitled to the books has signified his need of it.

Ten cents a volume will be charged for each day that a volume remains
unreturned after the two weeks for which it was withdrawn.

4. Members of the Faculty have at all times free use of the Library
within its walls, and borrow books under the following regulations:

Each book borrowed is to be presented to the Librarian to be charged
to the borrower.


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Each book borrowed is understood to be taken out for a period not
exceeding one month, but this time may be extended unless the Librarian
notify the borrower that some one else desires the book.

Not more than two volumes at any time may be borrowed for the use
of any other person than the professor himself, and the Librarian is always
to be notified at the time of borrowing that the book is not for individual

5. All books borrowed from the Library must be returned and on the
shelves by the fifth day before the close of each session.

6. The Librarian may permit persons residing at the University for
the purpose of studying during the vacation to use the Library, with the
approval of the President, and under the above general regulations, but
at such hours as may be specially arranged for, on condition that each
such person pay to the Librarian a fee of $3 and make a contingent deposit
of $15, against which may be assessed any charges for loss or injury of

7. The Librarian is charged with the general duty of maintaining
order in the Library, preserving the room and its contents from damage
and reporting to the Bursar any fines and penalties which may have to be