University of Virginia Library

How Crist is our fader gastly

Here now how Crist was our formfader gastly,
Riȝt as Adam was to man formfader fleschly.
All that was of Adam born lost heuen for his synne,
And all that Cristes children will be bi him may hit wynne.
Baptisme has the vertu of Cristes hert-blode,
To make thaim his childer that wil take hit with gode.
Thus riȝt as al men dyed thurgh Adam,
So may al be quikned agayn in Cristes name.
Was neuer no fader that any son so der hade boȝt
As Crist, that man wesch of synne and out of prison broȝt.
In fourty houres after his ded herged he helle,
And apered to his disciples in many maner wyse,
To proue soth that he said that he suld vprise.
He ete and drank with thaim ichon riȝt in thair siȝt,
And spak that was nedeful to thaim, mekel of gastli liȝt,
And elleuen of thaim he blamed sithen,
For thei trowed noȝt that he was vprisen.
Bot it was til our faith ful heply
That Thomas of Ynde trowed lattly,
Til he into Crist hert-wond hade put his hand.
Than said he: “Thou art my god and my lord lyuand!”


“For thou has sene me,” quod Crist, “now thou trowes riȝt;
Blissed be tha[t] trowes wele withouten any siȝt.”
When our faith was thus confermed, as thou has wele hard,
Then bad Crist thei suld it preche thurghout al the warld
And [baptize] all that wald be in trouth stedfast
In the name of the Fader and the Son and the Haligast,
For ther [may] neuer non in heuen-blis wone
Bot he thurgh baptyme be made Cristes awen sone.
In this fader was neuer no wemme of synne,
The[r]for be him may [we] blis clayme and wynne.
Adam come of erth and band vs all to prison;
Crist then come fro heuen and payed for vs raunson.
When he stegh vp agayn to heuen riche blis,
He tok al the ded with him that was his;
Ther he haldes sesyn in his heritage
To al that wil folow him of his lynage.
Thar Fader and Sone and Haligast
Are all on God of myȝtes mast.
Insiȝt of this thre persons in on godhede
Sal be in heuen our gret ioye and our mede.
Then sal we [se] in that ioyfulnes
How Crist, our der fader, is verray prince of pees.
When Ihesu Crist of heuen had wonnen his gret riȝt,
Then was sent the haligast anon, as he hade hiȝt.
His disciples hertes anon he wald enspire
In the fader liknes with tunges of fire;
So the haligast was send and sett thaim aboue,
That of the fader and the sone is the gode loue
And is al on God with thaim in verray vnite,
Bot he is third person in the trinite.
When thei wer thus fulfilled of the haligast,
Thai couth wele al langage and speke hit sone in hast;
Thai were so confermed in trouth and al ful of grace
That for to preche Goddes lawe thai dred no kinges face.