University of Virginia Library



The chill snows lingered, the spring was late,
It seemed a weariful while to wait
For warmth and fragrance and song and flowers,
And balmy airs and delicious showers.
But we bided our time and with patient eyes
We watched the slowly relenting skies,
Till at last one April morning we woke
To find we were free of the winter's yoke,
And a rush of wings through the rushing rain
Told us the birds were back again;
A joyous tumult we heard aloft,
Clear rippling music and fluttering soft:
So light of heart and so light of wing,
All hope of summer, delight of spring
They seemed to utter with voices sweet,
Upborne on their airy pinions fleet.
Dainty, delicate, lovely things!
Would that my thoughts, like you, had wings,
To match your grace, your charm, your cheer,
Your fine melodious atmosphere!
Precious and beautiful gifts of God,
Scattered thro' heaven and earth abroad,
Who, ungrateful, would do you wrong,
Check your flight and your golden song?


O friendly spirits, O sweet, sweet birds!
Would I could put my welcome in words
Fit for such singers as you to hear,
Sky born minstrels and poets dear!