University of Virginia Library


“A little child shall lead them.” Even Thou,
O Christ adored! Behold the lowly place
Where the star-beckoned shepherds came to bow
Before the glory of His infant face!
Ah happy Mary! at thy breast, so near
To hold the world's great hope, heaven's holy king!
Ah happy shepherds, chosen first to hear
The tidings beautiful that angels sing!
The humble and the poor He came to teach,
The sinful and the suffering He would save,
No human soul can sink beyond His reach;
He rescues all, for all His life He gave.
“Let not your hearts be troubled,”—Hear His voice!
“Keep my commandments and be loved of me!”
O lift your heavy hearts up and rejoice,
“I will not leave you comfortless,” saith He.
Divine compassion, sent to help us all!
Infinite mercy, love that knows no end!
Thou who art never deaf to sorrow's call,
Make light our darkness, oh Thou Heavenly Friend!
He breaks the bonds of death, He sets us free,
Obey Him! there can be no joy so sweet!
His hand He stretches forth to you and me,—
Yea, lead us, Lord, and bring us to Thy feet!