University of Virginia Library


French 155. For Beginners. First Term.—8:30; R. 1. No credit for
any degree. Miss Holt.

Equivalent to first term French 1, regular session. First twenty lessons, Fraser
and Squair's French Grammar, about 100 pages easy French.


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French 156. For Beginners. First and Second Terms.—12:15; R.
1. No credit for any degree. Mr. Abbot.

Equivalent to second term French 1, regular session. Lessons 21-32, Fraser and
Squair's French Grammar, about 200 pages of easy French, and regular dictations.

French 157. For Beginners. Second Term.—8:30; R. 1. No credit
for any degree. Mr. Abbot.

Equivalent to third term French 1, regular session. Lessons 33-38, Fraser and
Squir's French Grammar; about 25 common irregular verbs; 250 pages of easy
French and regular dictation.

French 70. Advanced French. First Term.—9:30; R. 1. Credit, one
session-hour. Mr. Graham.

For students who have had the equivalent of French Courses 155-6-7. Equivalent
to first term French B1, regular session. Thorough study of all irregular
verbs, weekly exercises in composition and dictation, several hundred pages of
French, as Colomba, Monte-Cristo, etc.

French 71. Advanced French.—10:30; R. 1. Credit, one session-hour.
First Term, Mr. Graham. Second Term, Mr. Abbot.

For students who have had the equivalent of French 70, first and second terms.
Equivalent to second term French B1, regular session. Study of the uses of the
infinitive and participles, regular exercises in composition and dictation, several
hundred pages of French, such as the stories of Maupassant, Daudet, etc.

French 72. Advanced French. Second Term.—12:15; R. 1. Credit,
one session-hour. Mr. Abbot.

For students who have had the equivalent of French 70, third term. Equivalent
to third term French B1, regular session. Special study of the uses of the
Subjunctive and general Syntax, regular exercises in composition and dictation,
several hundred pages of French, as the plays of Racine, Voltaire, etc.