University of Virginia Library


Greek 70. C. Elementary Greek.—8:30; C. H. 1. Credit, 2 hours.
Mr. Kissling.

An introductory course to the study of the Greek language. The course is intended
for beginners in Greek, and for those who desire to review the elements of
Greek. Teachers in high schools and academies will find the course of interest.
Text-Book.—White's First Greek Book.

Greek 71. C. Beginning New Testament Greek.—3:30; C. H. 1.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Kissling.

This course is offered to students, teachers and Sunday school assistants who desire
to study the language with a view to the practical use of the New Testament.
Text-Book.—Huddilston's Essentials of New Testament Greek.


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Greek 72. C. New Testament Greek.—4:30; C. H. 1. Credit, 2
hours. Mr. Kissling.

The study of selected New Testament writings from a linguistic point of view.
This course is intended for both undergraduate students and for mature persons
whose knowledge of Greek is sufficient to enable them to follow the course with

Note.—Greek 71 and 72 will be offered only if a sufficient number apply.