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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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Thus saith the Lord: You weary me
With prayers, and waste your own short years:
Eternal Truth you cannot see
Who weep, and shed your sight in tears!
In vain you wait and watch the skies,
No better fortune thus will fall;
Up from your knees I bid you rise,
And claim the Earth for All.
They ate up Earth, and promised you
The Heaven of an empty shell!
'Twas theirs to say; 'twas yours to do,
On pain of everlasting Hell!
They rob and leave you helplessly
For help of Heaven to cry and call:
Heaven did not make your misery;
The Earth was given for All!
Behold in bonds your Mother Earth;
The rich man's prostitute and slave!
Your Mother Earth, that gave you birth,
You only own her for a grave!


And will you die like Slaves, and see
Your Mother left a fettered thrall?
Nay! live like Men and set her free
As Heritage for All!