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The Poetical Works of Walter C. Smith

... Revised by the Author: Coll. ed.

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[Lord, there is nothing I can give]
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[Lord, there is nothing I can give]

“Freely ye have received, freely give.” —Matt. x. 8.

Lord, there is nothing I can give
Which Thou hast not;
For all from Thee I did receive,
Which I have got;
And even the very life I live
Thou did'st allot:
How could I grudge to give Thee back
The overflow I do not lack?
Thine are the silver and the gold,
The treasure Thine;
They are a trust for Thee I hold,
They are not mine;
And oh, if they might help to mould
The life divine!
What higher honour could they meet
Than to inlay the Mercy-seat?
There is no price for what is best,
It is not bought;
Who would in heavenly things invest
Gets them for nought,
And debtor unto Thee must rest,
Or have them not;
But though Thy mercies be not sold,
Yet we may serve Thee with our gold.
So let us bring it to the Lord,
For it is His;
And that corrupteth which we hoard,
And wasted is;
But truly, well, and safely stored,
When it can bless
The sick, and poor, and weak oppressed,
And bring unto the weary rest.