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Page 313


800: Elementary Applied Thermodynamics:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Physical units and their measurement. Properties of the permanent
gases, of steam, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. The transformation of heat
energy into mechanical work. The production of cold. (Spring.)

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

801: Elementary Applied Thermodynamics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

An introduction to the design and performance of stokers, boilers, and
boiler auxiliaries, steam engines and turbines, internal combustion engines,
and refrigerating plants. (Winter.)

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

802: General Thermodynamics:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

The molecular theory of gases. Properties of fluids. The laws of thermodynamics.
Carnot's cycle. Entropy. Standard cycles. Fluids in motion.

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

803: Applied Thermodynamics:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Fuels and their combustion. Power plant equipment. The theory of the
steam engine and steam turbine. (Winter.)

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

804: Applied Thermodynamics:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

The theory of the air compressor, internal combustion engine and mechanical
refrigerator. The production of very low temperatures. Gas turbines.

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

805-806-807: Advanced Applied Thermodynamics:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Power plant design. Initial and operating costs. Types of equipment including
boilers, stokers, boiler house auxiliaries, steam engines and turbines,
internal combustion engines.

Opportunities will be offered for the study of power generators of industrial
plants and for keeping in touch with current research on fuels and
in the power field. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Macconochie.

810: Mechanical Technology:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Production and properties of the chief materials of construction. Preparatory
processes. Molding, forging, rolling and stamping. Fundamentals of
welding. The metallography and heat treatment of iron and steel. Special
and alloy steels. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Macconochie.


Page 314

811: Machine Design:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

The application of basic principles to the design of simple machine elements.
Toothed wheels. Screw and worm gearing. Cams. Transmission
systems. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Macconochie.

812: Theory of Machines:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Kinematic chains and linkages. Simple machines. Mechanisms possessing
some particular geometrical property. Higher and lower pairs. Velocities
and accelerations in mechanisms. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Macconochie.

820-821-822: Advanced Theory of Machines:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Motion of rigid bodies. Velocity and acceleration diagrams. Inertia
forces in machine parts. Balancing. Mechanics of the gyroscope. Critical
speeds and vibrations. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Macconochie.

826: Industrial Management:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Organization and location. Layout, design and construction. Transportation,
heating and ventilation. Standardization. Fatigue. Human relations.
Operation studies. Wage plans and incentives. Budgeting and purchasing.
Inspection and production control. Costs. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Macconochie.

830: General Aeronautics:

Hours to be arranged

An introductory course including a brief history of the subject; a complete
nomenclature and explanation of the various parts of both heavier-than-air
and lighter-than-air craft; theory of flight; use of the controls; construction;
stability; engine development and present design; future possibilities;
civil and military aviation; Department of Commerce Rules and Regulations.

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

831: Theory of Aviation:

Hours to be arranged.

A discussion of the various types of airplanes and their uses; aerodynamical
properties of planes; characteristics and types of airfoils; explanations
of lift and drag; parasitic resistance; dynamic loads; structural considerations;
analysis of performance; equilibrium and stability; propeller theory.

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.

832: Airplane Power Plants:

Hours to be arranged.

A detailed study of modern engines, together with performance characteristics
of the various types; a discussion of engine accessories including
ignition systems, carburetion, fuel piping, lubrication, superchargers, propellers,
power plant instruments. (Spring.)

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.


Page 315

860-861-862: Engineering Drawing:

12 hours a week Fall; 8 hours a week Winter and Spring.

Design of simple elements of machines such as screws, bolts, nuts, keys
and cottered joints, riveted joints and connections, pipes and pipe joints,
shafts and shaft couplings, clutches, bearings and supports, thrust blocks,
engine details. General assembly from detail drawings. Original design of
pump, machine tool, et cetera.

Acting Assistant Professor Daniel.


865: Pattern Shop:

3 hours a week.

Exercises in the use of hand and machine tools, including the saw, planer,
and center lathe. The production of simple patterns. (Fall or Spring.)

Associate Professor Macconochie and Assistants.

866: Machine Shop:

3 hours a week.

Exercises in turning, boring and screw cutting, machine tool operation,
chipping, filing and fitting at the bench. (Fall or Spring.)

Associate Professor Macconochie and Assistants.

Works Experience: Students of Mechanical Engineering are strongly
recommended to spend their summer vacations in the practice of their profession.
Wherever possible, arrangements will be made to facilitate this.