University of Virginia Library


The scene opening discovers Almida in chains, as led to execution, surrounded by guards. Knights, people, &c. fill the scene.
Support me generous stranger—'tis my daughter!

Gods! is it thus we meet!

Eternal goodness!
All time before thy eye omniscient stands;
Thou read'st my soul, and thou alone art just!
“Drove on by passion, blinded oft by fury,
“Weak mortals talk, condemn, and judge by hazard.
Knights—countrymen—who in the bloody sentence
That robs me of my life have borne a share,
'Tis not to you I stoop to clear my fame;
That God who sees us, must decide between us.
Tame instruments of stern unjust oppression,
'Tis true I scorn'd your laws, nay more, I broke 'em;
Tyrannical they had no pow'r to bind me.
A father would have forc'd my hand unwilling;
I disobey'd him. Orbassan I slighted;
Haughty and rude, he thought to bend me to him.
These are my crimes, if they are worthy death
Strike—but first learn the secret of my heart;
The soul prepar'd at heaven's high throne to answer,
Addresses man unmov'd and void of fear.
Know then ye witnesses of my sad fate,


And you my father, you at least whose kindness
Should have prevented—Gods! what do I see?
[seeing Tancred.
Immortal powers! 'tis he!—I sink—assist—

[faints in Sophia's arms.
Her perjur'd heart shrinks at my sight—no matter—
Suspend ye ministers of death your vengeance,
Stay your dire hand; I here assume her cause;
I am her knight; her desolated father
Avows my arm, to innocence propitious:
Open the lists, and let the judges sit.
Thou haughty Orbassan I here defy thee;
[throws his gauntlet.
Or snatch my life, or meet from me thy fate.
Thy name and deeds are not to fame unknown;
The gage of combat here I throw before thee—dar'st thou take up?

Thy arrogance but ill deserves this honour;
[points to his squire to take up the glove.
Yet since a father deigns admit thy claim,
I will vouchsafe to measure swords with thee
To crush thy bold defiance. What thy rank,
Or whence art thou? these arms obscure announce
Few signs of glory.

Soon thy spoils may deck them;
My name's a secret, such as yet I mean it,
But thou shalt learn it in the field. Let's go.

Open the barrier. Let Almida free,
'Till the event of this slight combat's over;
And know my friends, that as I quit the lists
I head your troops, and march to save the state.