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The vvorkes of a young wyt

trust vp with a Fardell of pretie fancies, profitable to young Poetes, preiudicial to no man, and pleasaunt to euery man to passe away idle tyme withall. Whereunto is ioyned an odde kynde of wooing, with a Banquet of Comfettes, to make an ende withall. Done by N. B. Gentleman

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The Morall.

Now see, what matter this old toie conteines,
twixte beastes and birds, behold what thankfull minde,
And yet twixte men, vngratefull some remaines,
yea moste perhaps, where they moste good doe finde:
Which proues, (me thinkes) a pitty not the leaste,
to see a man wurse naturde then a breast.