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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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“And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, My God, my God. why hast thou forsaken me?”
—Matt. xxvii. 46.

“The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.”—John xiv. 30.

Why, O my God, hast Thou forsaken me?”
Mysterious groanings of the Lamb of God!
Oh whence arose that plaint? As though the rod
Of penal Justice then might seem to be
Raised against Heaven's Incarnate Purity!
Alone He bore our guilt's o'erwhelming load,
And realized its doom. Hell's dark abode
Lay open: He that yawning gulf could see.
And this world's Prince came in that darkened hour,
To try with desperate malice once again
Temptation's utmost force, 'mid torturing pain,
Upon the Blessed Spoiler of his power;
But found in Him no guilt, no flaw, no stain.
That Cross his malice foils; that death subverts his reign.