University of Virginia Library

From Theocritus.

Upon the Death of Adonis.

In Imitation of Anacreon.

When the queen of soft desire,
Saw the much-lov'd boy expire;
Pale his cheeks; hairs stiff with gore;
She bad her loves go seek the boar.


Straight the nimble-winged loves,
Running, flying, search'd the groves:
Straight the fatal miscreant found;
And in thousand fetters bound.
This before, with twisted thong,
Drew th'unwieldy brute along:
That behind, with loosen'd bow,
Lash'd him forward, lagging-slow.
Slow he lagg'd with pensive mien,
Much afraid of beauty's queen.
‘Was it thou, for ever curst!
‘Worst of beasts! of boars the worst!
‘Was it thou, that did'st destroy,
‘Thou that kill'dst my fav'rite boy?’
Full of grief the goddess cry'd—
Full of grief the boar reply'd;
‘Lowly-bending at thy knee,
‘By thy fav'rite, and by thee,
‘These thy fetters which I wear,
‘These thy sportive loves, I swear:
‘Never once thy fav'rite-boy,
‘Thought I, Venus, to destroy!
‘True—when naked to the sight,
‘I Adonis' thigh beheld;
‘Thigh! as polish'd iv'ry white!
‘Thigh! that iv'ry far excell'd!
‘And, in transport of desire,
‘Kiss'd, perhaps, with too much fire—
‘That did hurt thy fav'rite-boy;
‘That did him and me destroy.


‘Take these tusks then, Venus, take;
‘Take and punish for his sake;
‘Tusks! to me that hateful prove!
‘Tusks! that murder what they love!
‘Or, if measur'd by th'offence,
‘Thou with these wilt not dispense;
‘If these victims be too small,
‘Take, o Venus, lips withal.
Venus, pitying his pains,
Bad the loves release his chains.
He, releas'd, ne'er seeks the groves;
But attending, 'midst the loves,
Climbs, self-mov'd, the fun'ral pyre,
And burns the lovers in the fire.

His tusks.