University of Virginia Library

How Ihesus is al strenghty

Now hast thou herd wele how Ihesus is almyȝty,
Here now how he is ouer al other strenghty.
This name of Ihesus has so gret in him vertu and myȝt
That all in heuen, erth, and helle suld til him loute with riȝt.
Oft in this name God mannes prayer spedes
Agayn the fend that hit ful mekil dredes.
This name is mirthe in hering and comfort in siȝt,
Triacle in mouth and in hert that is of mekil myȝt,
Socour to all synful men, and to seke solace,
To him that is repentant ay ful of grace.
The fend was prince of this warld and hade man in prison
Ay til our [lord] Ihesu Crist hade suffred passion.
Ther was non so hely that myȝt in erth dwell
Bot his saule, qwen he died, suld go to hell.


Hely men wer in merknes, ther thai no payn feld,
Bot the fend fro thair ioye agayn thair wil thaim held,
And the ȝate of paradys was agayn thaim stoken,
Til Ihesus with his passion hade made it open.
When the fende sagh him wele on the crois hyngand,
He wend to haue made him forth ay in hell lengand,
Bot sone the saul with the godhede as a fer lyon
And a kyng of al the warld, and noȝt as a prison,
Come to hell and brast thair barres with his will fre,
And toke out all anon with him that dyed in charite.
Him calles men a lord strong and myȝty,
That has ay, when he wil, in batail the maistry.
Sone he venquist the fend and cuttyd his power,
That he suld noȝt tempt vs more then we miȝt ber.
Thus is Ihesus our refut, strenght, and socour,
Our help and our hele, our ioye and our honour.