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The Times' Whistle

Or A Newe Daunce of Seuen Satires, and other Poems: Compiled by R. C., Gent. [i.e. Richard Corbett]. Now First Edited from Ms. Y. 8. 3. in the Library of Canterbury Cathedral: With introduction, notes, and glossary, By J. M. Cowper

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Cur Venus orta mari.

Cur Venus orta mari.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

The poetes faine (for soe I know I read)
That Venus of the seas white foame was bred,
And therfore Aphrodite doe her call,
Which name doth signifie as much to all
That know the word; but wherfore she should be
Derivèd from the froath of Neptunes sea
I know noe reason, since, as I doe gather,
Neptune her vnckle was & not her father;
Vnlesse that we, against true logicks lawes,
From the effect produce th' efficient cause;
And that too by comparison must be
As thus:—we all know that the foaming sea
Is salt & bitter to our tasting sence;
So lustfull Venus, which is saide from thence
To issue forth, proves salt & bitter still,
To them that follow her disordered will.